Glowing skin is one of the best indicators of a person’s health. We are born with a gift that accompanies us all our lives – our largest organ SKIN. It protects and makes us look and feel beautiful. Today is your day to learn HOW-TO advance your daily routine with a small step that benefits […]
Skin Cells Slough Off At A Rate of A Million Skin Cells Per Day! Exfoliate Them!
As new skin cells are born and rise to the surface, the old cells accumulate and harden forming the protective skin surface. New skin formation is a healthy and natural process. The skin cells slough off at a huge rate – about a million skin cells per day. This process is called the skin cycle […]
A Golden Dozen of Everyday Superfoods For Your Skin
Skin is our largest organ, a living, breathing super organ that calls for quality everyday superfoods. We don’t have to eat a ton of foods to bring the most nutrition to our skin. Here quality goes farther than quantity. Take a look at these daily superfoods that can make big changes how your skin lives […]